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How Automatic Folding Scooters And Wheelchairs Can Help Persons With Limited Mobility

Back From: William Mutugi Release date: 2023-11-22

How Automatic Folding Scooters And Wheelchairs Can Help Persons With Limited Mobility

Folding scooters and wheelchairs are designed to provide convenience and portability to persons living with limited mobility. They usually come in two types – manual folding and automatic folding.

Manual folding allow users to reduce their scooter or wheelchair manually while the latter provides the same functionality at the touch of a button.

As you may know, there’s an added advantage that comes with choosing a wheelchair or scooter with the automatic folding feature. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the ways seniors and persons living with different conditions can benefit from such a device.


Benefits of Automatic Folding Wheelchairs and Scooters


1. Ideal for upper limb disorders

Old age and diseases can affect a person’s ability to use their upper limbs. Chronic illnesses that affect the muscles, soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons can reduce the available strength required to carry out daily activities.

In that case, it can become challenging to fold your wheelchair or scooter manually. The automatic folding feature allows the user to perform the same function while putting in very little effort.

Take, for example, the Solax S7103 automatic folding wheelchair. It features a unique remote control design that makes it easy to store or place the mobility aid in a trunk. All you need to do is push a button and the wheelchair will do the rest for you.

On the other hand, our Solax S302311C automatic folding scooter provides three folding mechanisms – remote control, manual, and an electric switch. It offers additional functionality for persons living with different upper limb mobility issues.

Solax S7103 automatic folding wheelchair

2. More independence

Automatic folding wheelchairs and scooters allow users to be more independent as they go about their daily activities. For example, the ability to automatically fold your assistive device leaves you with enough energy to complete other tasks.

This could be going for shopping, visiting friends, or traveling. In addition, it allows you to do things on your own without needing help. You can easily fold the scooter without assistance and store or pack it inside your trunk.

The work of folding the wheelchair or scooter becomes easier. Furthermore, you’re able to take the device out of storage, take it apart yourself, and continue using it in your day-to-day. This is a huge advantage especially for those with limited mobility on their upper body.


3. Impact on caregivers 

For persons that require support from a caregiver, the job of folding and dismantling the wheelchair or scooter becomes easier. This means that all they have to do is lift or store it using minimal effort.

This reduces the amount of work a caregiver needs to do during the day and as a result, they strain less. It provides long-term positive impacts in their experience. It also allows them to offer better care when it comes to meeting other needs.

This includes providing support and physical assistance when needed. Caregivers are usually required to be flexible, strong, and willing to make sacrifices for their patient’s wellbeing. Thanks to an automatic folding scooter or wheelchair, they can conserve their strength and do much more.

Solax S302421G automatic folding scooter

 4. Extra features 

Most automatic folding devices also come with additional features that are automated. For example, the Solax S302421G automatic folding scooter features an electromagnetic brake system that improves safety.

It comes with an automatic brake sensor that detects obstacles and helps to bring the scooter to a safe stop. A high quality motor controller is also included to facilitate a smooth start. It works with the brake system to stop the scooter safely.

These features are also carried forward to other Solax mobility devices, including our automatic folding wheelchairs. They provide extra convenience when running errands, doing shopping, visiting friends and family, and travelling.



Automatic folding wheelchairs and scooters work well for many users. They are a perfect alternative for those looking for the right mobility aid. You get to enjoy additional flexibility, convenience, and independence when using them. At Solax, we provide a wide range of scooters and wheelchairs that come with an automated folding feature.

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