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How to Encourage a Senior with Restricted Mobility to Explore the Outdoors

Back From: Release date: 2021-05-11

How to Encourage a Senior with Restricted Mobility to Explore the Outdoors

Spending time outdoors provides a wide variety of benefits for both the young and the old. Such benefits include boosting our immunity, improving physical health, and fighting stress. Unfortunately, due to limited mobility and declining health, not everyone is able to explore the outdoors. And, seniors are among the most affected groups. 
Spending too much time indoors can make them feel stuck and bored. This is especially if they find it hard to gather the energy needed to do short excursions. If you have a senior with mobility issues under your care, there are a few things that you can do to encourage them to explore the outdoors. This includes: 


1. Start Small

If you have a loved one that does not like the idea of getting out of the house, you can start by suggesting small ways for them to enjoy the outdoors. For example, encouraging them to sit by the window in the morning or evenings as they read or rest can be a great start. 
Feeling the gentle morning or evening sun could inspire them to eventually get out. If there’s a patio around, assist them to get on it if they are open to it. Even a short trip to the mailbox might work great to get some fresh air. 

start by suggesting small ways for them to enjoy the outdoors.


2. Plan for Simple Activities

Once you get your loved one accustomed to the thought of getting out of the house, you can come up with simple activities for them to do. Adding a bird feeder somewhere accessible can be an excellent way to get your loved one to interact with nature. 
The good news is, you can set a bird feeder even if your loved one lives in an apartment or an assisted living facility. Arranging flowered pots outside is also another brilliant idea. It not only brightens the senior’s view but also allows them to get out of the house and water the flowers as often as they can. 


3. Provide the Right Equipment 
The lack of assistive technologies and equipment may be a big deterrent to a senior that would love to explore the outdoors. They may find the preparation and effort needed too much for them. This can make them frustrated and embarrassed. 
Fortunately, this is something that can be solved by simply getting them the right equipment. A mobility assistant like an electric wheelchair or scooter can be a great place to start. It provides the support and stability they need and is easy to transport and use. In addition, it helps to make persons with mobility issues independent. 

Solax mobility scooter and power wheelchairs


4. Visit Places Near the Water 

Research has shown that spending time by the water promotes feelings of well-being and relaxation. The trickling and slow sounds of moving water helps to relieve stress. As such, it would benefit your loved one greatly if you took them near a pond, lake, river, or stream. 
This is, of course, if they are okay with it and don’t mind going there. It helps them to connect with different aspects of nature and experience new things. They also get to see new places and get out of their monotonous routine. 


5. Have a Picnic

If you’re loved one isn’t able to move a lot, setting up a picnic can be a great way to get them out of the house. It brings a sense of togetherness with family and friends and provides the benefits of being in the outdoors. When planning for it, pick somewhere you know your loved one would want to be. 
It doesn’t have to be far. It could be at a nearby park or by a water body. Remember to throw in a couple of healthy and tasty retreats to make the experience more memorable. This will motivate them to get out more and look forward to having more of such wonderful experiences. 

If you’re loved one isn’t able to move a lot, setting up a picnic can be a great way to get them out of the house.

6. Participate in Charity

If your loved one can be actively involved in helping the community around, participating in some charity work could go a long way in providing them with a purpose to leave the house. It provides a sense of accomplishment and well-being when they know they have helped someone. It could be helping local foundations to do a bit of work or donating items to the needy. 



As you get around to encouraging a senior near you that has mobility issues to explore the outdoors, it’s important to exercise some patience. Some older adults may never have liked the outdoors even in their younger years. Others may just need a bit of tough love and plenty of reassurance to leave their comfort zone. Whatever the case may be, remember to be as patient as possible with them. 

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