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10 Tips to Consider When Buying a Mobility Device

Back From: Sasha-Gaye Sampson Release date: 2021-12-23

10 Tips to Consider When Buying a Mobility Device

Mobility devices are no doubt one of the greatest inventions when it comes to helping persons with mobility issues to get their lives back on track. Many individuals with mobility challenges have been allowed the opportunity to do things that they would not have been able to do without a mobility device. It is important to note that there are various types of mobility devices and choosing the ideal device will increase productivity, comfort and peace of mind. Mobility devices such as scooters do a great job at making it easier for persons who use oxygen cylinders to get around with less hassle. Awesome, right?

If you or your loved one needs a mobility device and don't know the first step to take, fret not! We are here to simplify things for you. We want to share with you 10 tips that you must always keep in mind when you are buying a mobility device. Let's dive right into the goodies.


Health tops the list when it comes to selecting the right mobility device. You have to consider you or your loved one physical and mental ability to use the device if there are any restricted movements, the ability to sit or stand for extended periods as well as what activities are manageable.


Yes! You need to know if the device you are purchasing agrees with your financial account. You can consult with your health insurance company to see if they cover the mobility device that you want to buy. You have to assess your financial status and see what best fits the criteria while keeping your budget at the forefront of your mind.

Two Seniors riding Solax mobility scooters

Consult your doctor

Don't be afraid to ask the doctor about the need for a mobility device. The doctors would perform a thorough head to toe assessment to determine body and muscle functions to help you select the mobility device that is best for you.

Check the speed

Depending on your lifestyle, you may want a device with adequate speed. You must feel comfortable with the device’s speed to maintain comfort and promote safety.

The weight capacity

Various mobility devices are designed to hold or carry a certain amount of weight. Therefore, you need to determine if the device fits your body structure. Don’t be afraid to do a test run on the mobility devices at the mobility store.

Solax mobility scooter and additional battery

Battery life

Who likes going somewhere or doing something that requires the use of a battery, and then the battery takes a break! No one!  Totally disheartening. Be sure to check the battery life of your mobility device to see how long it will last, especially if you are always on the go and travel long distances.

Comfort (for mobility scooters)

Comfort is also a part of the priority list when it comes to mobility devices. A lack of comfort can result in further unwanted issues such as neck and back pains, bruises, etc. If you are buying a mobility device such as a scooter, ensure that the seat is comfortable and that you can move comfortably.


You have to think about how active you are. You have to choose a mobility device that is manageable and that fits your way of life. You don’t want a mobility device that makes life complicated for you and your loved ones. We want you to be happy.

Going out with your solax mobility scooter.

Your surroundings

Do you have to cross hills and valleys to get to your home? Or is it all smooth sailing? Do you have narrow spaces that you or your loved ones would have to pass through regularly to perform everyday tasks? All these factors must be considered to make the right choice.


This is worth your time and money. Choose high-quality mobility devices that save you time and money. How so? you may ask. Simply put, low-quality products tend to develop more issues and you may end up paying a whole lot of money on repairs. Not because it is cheap means it's a good buy. Check the quality of the product. Don't be afraid to do a test run before buying. You can also research the materials online.


So, have you made up your mind after reading this article? We hope you did because we have great news. We at Solaxtech provide a wide range of mobility devices that are user friendly, flexible, comfortable, automated and promotes safety. We want you and your loved ones to live comfortable lives while going to and fro. Feel free to check out our products. Come and experience comfort like no other; you will thank us later. We are available on various social media platforms. We are just a text away. We look forward to helping you and your loved ones achieve independence and peace of mind.


Get in touch with Solax and we will love to assist you.

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Amber Zhong

Sales Manager

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Allen Tsai

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